
經衛生單位調查結果,您可能與嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎個案有相當接觸,依傳染病防治法第48條第1項規定, 為了保護您和親友及大眾的健康與安全,請您於指定期間內進行居家/個別隔離,有關居家隔離之應遵守及注意事項如下:

  1. 留在家中(或嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎中央流行疫情指揮中心、地方政府指定範圍內), 禁止外出,亦不得出境或出國。

    Stay at home or within the area designated by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) or the local government. You are prohibited from leaving the house or the designated area and leaving the country or going abroad.

  2. 居家隔離期間,選擇自宅或親友住所居家隔離者,以1人1室為基準,須符合該戶內無非居家隔離者; 若全家人或同住者同為居家隔離者,於同戶內仍需1人1室(單獨房間含衛浴)。請於隔離期間,每日早/晚各量體溫一次, 自主詳實記錄體溫及健康狀況(如後附表格),並配合提供手機門號、回復雙向簡訊健康情形等必要之關懷追蹤機制 (包含以手機門號進行個人活動範圍之電子監督)。居家隔離之個人資料沿用至自主健康管理期滿,並於結束後28天銷毀。

    During the home isolation period, individuals who choose to undergo isolation (self-isolation) at home or in a relative's residence shall abide by the principle of one person per room; if all members of a household living in the same residence are required to home isolate (self-isolate), they all can isolate in the same residence; however, they must still comply with the one person per room requirement (a separate room with a bathroom) in the same residence. During the home isolation period, please record your temperature and health status twice a day (morning and evening) correctly on the attached form. Additionally, please provide your cell phone number, report your health status via two-way SMS messaging, and cooperate with other kinds of care and follow-up procedures, including using cell phone signals to implement electronic monitoring of your location, conducted by the health authority. Your personal data provided for home isolation purposes will continue to be used until the expiration of the self-health management period and will be destroyed 28 days after the end of that period.

  3. 如有發燒、咳嗽、腹瀉、嗅覺或味覺異常及呼吸困難等症狀或其他任何身體不適,請佩戴醫用口罩,主動與當地衛生局聯繫,或撥1922, 依指示方式儘速就醫,未經上述程序不得逕行外出就醫就診,且禁止搭乘大眾運輸工具前往。

    When you display symptoms, such as fever, cough, diarrhea, loss of smell, loss of taste and breathing difficulties, please make sure to wear a medical mask and contact local health authorities or call the toll-free hotline 1922 to obtain instructions on seeking medical attention. You cannot go to the hospital or clinic by yourself without instructions of local health authorities and cannot take public transportation to go to the hospital.

Those who flout the home isolation (self-isolation) regulations will be fined ranging from NT$200,000 to NT$1,000,000 in accordance with Article 15 of the Special Act for Prevention, Relief and Revitalization Measures for Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens.
居家隔離解除後,請繼續自主健康管理7天,自主健康管理對象資訊均上傳至全民健康保險醫療資訊雲端查詢系統提示醫事人員落實「TOCC」機制, 確實詢問並記錄旅遊史(Travel history)、職業別(Occupation)、接觸史(Contact history)及是否群聚(Cluster)等資訊,以避免院內感染群聚事件發生。 相關規範請遵循衛生福利部公告之「自主健康管理對象應遵守及注意事項」,網址: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Category/NewsPage/DmymtvYDMUsWZlQwgRwTTg
After the end of your home isolation (self-isolation), please practice the following self-health management regulations for 7 days. During the 7-day self-health management, all information on individuals practicing self-health management will be uploaded to the NHI MediCloud System to remind medical personnel to thoroughly implement the TOCC mechanism, inquiring about travel history, occupation, contact history, cluster information, and other related information to prevent nosocomial infection. Please follow the notes for people under self-health management issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW), available on the website: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Category/NewsPage/DmymtvYDMUsWZlQwgRwTTg
Those who flout the self-health management regulations will be fined ranging from NT$60,000 to NT$300,000 in accordance with Article 67 of the Communicable Disease Control Act.

  1. 請維持手部清潔,保持經常洗手習慣,原則上可以使用肥皂和清水或酒精性乾洗手液進行手部清潔。另應注意儘量不要用手直接碰觸眼睛、 鼻子和嘴巴。手部接觸到呼吸道分泌物時,請用肥皂及清水搓手並澈底洗淨。

    Please keep your hands clean. You should wash your hands with soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizers frequently. In addition, please refrain from touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. If your hands touch any secretions from your respiratory tract, please wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly.

  2. 如您於取消隔離日後有出境或出國需要,請攜帶本通知書,以免移民署人員因註記系統的時間誤差,延誤您通關時間。

    The National Immigration Agency will be notified by computer system when you are placed under home isolation. Thus, when you need to go abroad after home isolation ends, please bring this notice with you. Please show immigration officers this notice for fear that they would delay your clearance due to the time error of the system.

  3. 如需心理諮詢服務,可撥打24小時免付費1925安心專線。

    If you need mental health services, please call the 24/7 toll-free hotline, 1925.

  4. 如不服本處分者,得自本處分送達翌日起30日內,繕具訴願書逕送原處分機關,並由原處分機關函轉訴願管轄機關提起訴願。

    If you disagree with this notice of administrative disposition, please prepare an administrative appeal pleading and file the administrative appeal to the agency which the administrative disposition was made within 30 days from the next day of the receipt of the administrative disposition, and the agency rendering this disposition shall transfer the appeal to the agency with jurisdiction of the administrative appeal.

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